Mini DCI

Scaling (down) a successful experience

Role: Project Lead + Experience Designer

To accommodate smaller recruiting events we designed a tabletop version of the larger installation. Since this is a partner piece to the larger installation, we knew the form and content needed to speak the same language as the previous version. We developed form studies and scaled mockups. After solidifying a concept, we created the fabrication plan and shipping options. Since the tabletop piece is meant to be easily deployable and packable, we also designed an instruction manual so that anyone can set up at recruiting events. This piece launched in December at DesignOps '17 with multiple deployments since including IA Summit in Chicago.


Designed to meet a range of events, we crafted three separate reconfigurable cubes. These configurations were designed for various tabletop deployments that have impact in the round or against a wall.


Developed with consideration to the larger scale DCI, these graphics have been altered to fit the form of the cubes. With the addition of mirrors to the top and bottom of the inside of the cubes these graphics play with perception creating an "infinity box" effect.


Embedded screens featured dynamic Capital One branding, Interviews with designers from the company, and high level descriptions of design roles intended to facilitate recruiting.

Concept sketches

Paper prototyping

Foamcore mockups

Graphic & material exploration




Experience: LX Conference


Experience: Elements